work business website entire website for less than 29

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inspectedPieceX에서 검사한 제품


ali filali
코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Sep 12, 2019

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

In this website,A boss or manager,can connect with his employers,The admin which is the boss have the ablity to create tasks for a spesific employer or a groupe employers of ,which  is a text format with and files,he and users can comment the task,when the user complete the task he  can ask the admin for marking the task as completed,the demand is text with files,the admin have the ability of accepting authenticated user(without his accept the user can't do anything), ban him or delete a user account entirly.

The user are categorize to a different groupes(admin can delete or add any category he wanted)

The website is made with laravel with 

Secure authentication system,each user have and identifier that he got from his email and with it he can login to his account,notification will be sent to  email,each time an event happened(task created,new user ...)an email will be sent to admin and user concerned. The code have high perfomance,nice UI and  website is tested many times,till  we fixed all the bugs.

work/business website(entire website for 30 ) In this website,A boss or manager,can connect with his employers,The admin which is the boss have the ablity to create tasks for a spesific employer or a groupe employers of ,which  is a text format with and files,he and users can comment the task,when the user complete the task he  can ask the admin for marking the task as completed,the demand is text with files,the admin have the ability of accepting authenticated user(without his accept the user can t do anything), ban him or delete a user account entirly.The user are categorize to a different groupes(admin can delete or add any category he wanted)The website is made with laravel with 

Secure authentication system,each user have and identifier that he got from his email and with it he can login to his account,notification will be sent to  email,each time an event happened(task created,new user ...)an email will be sent to admin and user concerned. The code have high perfomance,nice UI and  website is tested many times,till  we fixed all the bugs.

File Tree

  • 📁 work business website entire website for less than 29

가격 정보

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평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


리뷰 및 등급
Sep 27, 2019
Pretty much as advertised.

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